Ivan Petrovich Pavlov
Ivan Petrovich Pavlov
(Russian: Ива́н Петро́вич Па́влов; September 26 1849 – February 27, 1936) was a famous
Russian psychologist and physiologist. Inspired when the progressive ideas
which D. I. Pisarev, the most eminent of the Russian literary critics of the
1860s and I. M. Sechenov, the father of Russian physiology, were spreading,
Pavlov abandoned his religious career and decided to devote his life to
science. In 1870 he enrolled in the physics and mathematics faculty at the
University of Saint Petersburg to take the course in natural science. Ivan
Pavlov devoted his life to the study of physiology and sciences; making several
remarkable discoveries and ideas that were passed on from generation to generation.
Life and career.
Ivan Pavlov was born
in Ryazan, now in the Central Federal District of Russia, where his father,
Peter Dmitrievich Pavlov (1823 - 1899), was a village priest. Pavlov's mother,
Varvara Ivanovna Uspenskaya, was born in 1826 and died in 1890. He began his
higher education as a student at the Ryazan Ecclesiastical Seminary, but then
dropped out and enrolled at the University of Saint Petersburg to study the
natural sciences and became a physiologist.
In 1875 Pavlov
completed his course with an outstanding record and received the degree of
Candidate of Natural Sciences. However, impelled by his overwhelming interest
in physiology, he decided to continue his studies and proceeded to the Academy
of Medical Surgery. He received his doctorate in 1878 and completed the third
course in 1879, again being awarded a gold medal. After a competitive
examination, Pavlov won a fellowship at the Academy, and this together with his
position as Director of the Physiological Laboratory at the clinic of the
famous Russian clinician, S. P. Botkin,
enabled him to continue his research work. In 1883 he presented his doctor's
thesis on the subject of The centrifugal nerves of the heart. In this work he
developed his idea of "nervism", using as example the intensifying
nerve of the heart which he had discovered, and furthermore laid down the basic
principles on the trophic function of the nervous system. In this as well as in
other works, resulting mainly from his research in the laboratory at the Botkin
clinic, Pavlov showed that there existed a basic pattern in the reflex
regulation of the activity of the circulatory organs.
Pavlov was invited to
the Institute of Experimental Medicine in 1890 to organize and direct the
Department of Physiology. Over a 45 year period, under his direction it became
one of the most important centers of physiological research.
In the 1890s, Pavlov
was investigating the gastric function of dogs, and later children, by
externalizing a salivary gland so he could collect, measure, and analyze the
saliva and what response it had to food under different conditions. He noticed
that the dogs tended to salivate before food was actually delivered to their
mouths, and set out to investigate this "psychic secretion", as he
called it. In 1904 Pavlov was awarded the Nobel laureate "in recognition
of his work on the physiology of digestion, through which knowledge on vital
aspects of the subject has been transformed and enlarged".
A 1921 article by S.
Morgulis in the journal Science, came as a critique of Pavlov's work in that it
addressed concerns about the environment in which these experiments had been
performed. Based on a report from H. G. Wells, claiming that Pavlov grew
potatoes and carrots in his lab, the article stated, "It is gratifying to
be assured that Professor Pavlov is raising potatoes only as a pastime and
still gives the best of his genius to scientific investigation".
Pavlov was highly
regarded by the Soviet government, and he was able to continue his research
until he reached a considerable age. He was praised by Lenin. However, despite
the praise from the Soviet Union government, the money that poured out to
support his laboratory and the honours he was given, Pavlov made no attempts to
conceal the disapproval and contempt in which he held Soviet Communism. For
example, in 1923 he claimed that we would not sacrifice even the hind leg of a
frog to the type of social experiment that the regime was conducting in Russia.
After the murder of
Sergei Kirov in 1934, Pavlov wrote several letters to Molotov criticizing the
mass persecutions which followed and asking for the reconsideration of cases
pertaining to several people he knew personally.
Conscious until his
very last moment, Pavlov asked one of his students to sit beside his bed and to
record the circumstances of his dying. He wanted to create unique evidence of
subjective experiences of this terminal phase of life. Pavlov died of double
pneumonia at the age of 86. He was given a grandiose funeral, and his study and
laboratory were preserved as a museum in his honour.
Reflex system research.
Pavlov contributed to
many areas of physiology and neurological sciences. Most of his work involved
research in temperament, conditioning and involuntary reflex actions. Pavlov
performed and directed experiments on digestion, eventually publishing The Work
of the Digestive Glands in 1897, after 12 years of research. His experiments earned
him the 1904 Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine. These experiments included
surgically extracting portions of the digestive system from animals, severing
nerve bundles to determine the effects, and implanting fistulas between
digestive organs and an external pouch to examine the organ's contents. This
research served as a base for broad research on the digestive system.
Further work on
reflex actions involved involuntary reactions to stress and pain. Pavlov
extended the definitions of the four temperament types under study at the time:
phlegmatic, choleric, sanguine, and melancholic, updating the names to
"the strong and impetuous type, the strong equilibrated and quiet type,
the strong equilibrated and lively type, and the weak type." Pavlov and his
researchers observed and began the study of transmarginal inhibition (TMI), the
body's natural response of shutting down when exposed to overwhelming stress or
pain by electric shock. This research showed how all temperament types
responded to the stimuli the same way, but different temperaments move through
the responses at different times. He commented "that the most basic
inherited difference was how soon they reached this shutdown point and that the
quick-to-shut-down have a fundamentally different type of nervous system."
Carl Jung continued
Pavlov's work on TMI and correlated the observed shutdown types in animals with
his own introverted and extroverted temperament types in humans. Introverted
persons, he believed, were more sensitive to stimuli and reached a TMI state
earlier than their extroverted counterparts. This continuing research branch is
gaining the name highly sensitive persons.
William Sargant and
others continued the behavioural research in mental conditioning to achieve
memory implantation and brainwashing (any effort aimed at instilling certain
attitudes and beliefs in a person).
As Pavlov's work became known in the West, particularly through the writings of John B. Watson, the idea of "conditioning" as an automatic form of learning became a key concept in the developing specialism of comparative psychology, and the general approach to psychology that underlay it, behaviorism. The British philosopher Bertrand Russell was an enthusiastic advocate of the importance of Pavlov's work for philosophy of mind.
Pavlov's research on
conditional reflexes greatly influenced not only science, but also popular
culture. Pavlovian conditioning was a major theme in Aldous Huxley's dystopian
novel, Brave New World, and also to a large degree in Thomas Pynchon's
Gravity's Rainbow.
It is popularly
believed that Pavlov always signaled the occurrence of food by ringing a bell.
However, his writings record the use of a wide variety of stimuli, including
electric shocks, whistles, metronomes, tuning forks, and a range of visual
stimuli, in addition to the ring of a bell. Catania cast doubt on whether
Pavlov ever actually used a bell in his famous experiments. Littman tentatively
attributed the popular imagery to Pavlov’s contemporaries Vladimir Mikhailovich
Bekhterev and John B. Watson, until Thomas found several references that
unambiguously stated Pavlov did, indeed, use a bell.
It is less widely
known that Pavlov's experiments on the conditional reflex extended to children,
some of whom underwent surgical procedures, similar to those performed on the
dogs, for the collection of saliva.
There are two volumes
containing lectures and speeches: Lectures on Conditioned Reflexes by Ivan
Petrovitch Pavlov. Volume one is entitled Twenty-five Years of Objective Study
of the Higher Nervous Activity of Animals and volume two: Conditioned Reflexes
and Psychiatry.
. Vocabulary
Eminent - выдающийся Inherited- унаследованный
Spreading- распространение Behavioural- Поведенческие
Abandoned- заброшенный Debatable- спорный
Devoted- посвященный Tuning fork- камертон
Impelled- побуждаемый Metronome- метроном
Overwhelming- подавляющий
Decided- решенный
Pattern- модель
Circulatory- циркуляторный
Gastric function- функции
Externalizing a salivary gland- вынесение слюнных желез
Gratifying- благодарственное
Assured- гарантированный
Conceal- скрывать
Persecutions- гонения
Reconsideration- пересмотр
Circumstances- обстоятельства
Involuntary- невольный
Digestive- пищеварительный
Extended- расширенный
Impetuous- стремительный
Equilibrated- уравновешенный
Transmarginal inhibition- запредельное
Saliva- слюна
Semerikov Semen.
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